Love Will Keep Us Together

I decided to write about love, not just any love but that lasting kind of love. My parents were married for 56 years. They passed away 3 months of each other in March and June of the year 1999. Today you don’t hear about couples staying together that long. Any little thing that happens people get a divorce. Love is hard believe me I know. I’ve always said the love my parents had for each other, is the kind of love I want. But sadly I haven’t gotten it yet. Here are three reason’s why my parents stayed together.

1. Back in my parents day you just did not get a divorce. No matter what you were going through or what you went through you did not get a divorce. I’m not saying my parents never went through anything they did. They just never divorced and the reason why is.

2. My Dad always went to get his woman back lol. I remember my Mother telling me she had left him a couple of times, but he always talked her into coming back. Even though she was upset with him she always went back. It might have took her some time but she went back. Do you know why?

3. Love is the reason why they were together for 56 years. When my Mother passed away I saw all the love my Dad had for her each time I looked at him. It would make me cry each time I saw him because I knew how much he loved and missed her. So I know without a doubt Love is what kept them together.

So for you married couples love is what keeps you together. No matter what you are going through you have to truly love each other. Who God has put together is going to stay together.

For us divorced people who are not with the one we married. God did not put us together because if he did we would still be together.

Like I said before, Love is hard. You have to truly love each other for your marriage or relationship to last. The love my parents had for each other is the best kind of love. Always remember Love is what truly keeps us together.

12 responses to “Love Will Keep Us Together”

  1. I know its not, there are all types of love. In this post I’m writing about the love between man and woman. Thank you for your comment.


  2. Looking forward to reading more of your posts 🙂


    1. Thank you and thank you for subscribing

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Completely agree with your points. It feels like people don’t love the same way the use to


    1. Thats it I believe the same thing. Thank you for commenting


  4. I love this post. I believe every point you’ve made, even on those days when I could ring my husband’s neck haha. My parents stayed together, too. There were times when I wished for my mom’s sake that they didn’t, but I’m glad that they did. And I’m glad they set that example for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, people just don’t love like that anymore.


  5. So glad that your parents created these thoughts and memories for you. My husband and I have been married for 29 years. Love is a choice and marriage takes work! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and thank you for commenting.


  6. Marriage sure takes a lot of work and commitment. Perhaps that’s why couples don’t stay for long nowadays, because they never expected that it needs a lot of work. So they never really prepared for its challenges. They don’t know that it can drive you crazy sometimes. I recommend reading For Men Only (for the husband) and For Women Only(for the wife) books by Shaunti Feldhahn. These books will help you understand yourself and your partner better.


    1. Yes it truly takes alot of work and commitment. Thank you for your comment.


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