5 Reason’s To Love And Take Care Of Yourself First

I chose this title because we as women always put other’s before ourselves. Yes I do it too that’s why I said we. The question’s to ask is how can I love others and take care of them if I don’t love and take care of myself first? Why am I always putting myself last? To answer those questions its our nature to take care of the people we love its just what we are here to do. Second we forget about ourself, we not even thinking about how we feel, how we look, our health, children and grandchildren. having goals and dreams. We just don’t think about it until it’s to late. So here are my 5 Reason’s To Love And Take Care Of Yourself First.

1. Our feelings matter. Going around feeling bad want help anyone. We have to feel well before we can love or take care of someone else. Our minds have to be right so we can keep everything straight. Relax take a break from it all. Get your mind right.

2. Looking good goes back to feeling good. Now you know when we pamper ourselves just alittle bit it makes us feel better. So go ahead get your hair done, nails done, buy that new outfit. Then you take that warm bubble bath get dressed and go handle your business which is loving and taking care of other’s.

3. We have to stay on top of our health. This is the area that gets no attention until its to late. Stressing, Headaches, Hypertension are a few illnesses that happen when we don’t watch our health. Go to the Doctor and get these checked out. Relax, go to the gym, take a walk or even a swim. Loving ourselves mean we are taking care of ourselves.

4. Our Children and Grandchildren are why we need to love ourselves first. We have to be here to keep them on their feet. Who else can tell our story to them but us.

5.Having goals and dreams are what we want to accomplish in life. We might not get everything we want but we will get everything we need. Higher Education, learning keeps you motivated and informed. Like I said before we have to keep our minds right.

To the ones that read this. I hope it helps you to realize you have to take
care of yourself first. Our spouses, children, grandchildren, parents, relatives, friends and strangers need us.

77 responses to “5 Reason’s To Love And Take Care Of Yourself First”

  1. This is SOOOO, incredibly important! As women, we sometimes feel selfish or guilty for making time for ourselves. What WE want and need is just as important as what other people around us want and need!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it is, to be honest I wrote this for me as much as for all women. I always put other’s first but I need to put me first. Thank you for commenting.


  2. It was such a struggle for me to realize that my feelings matter, as I feel as if we are taught that other people matter first. Being selfish and caring for oneself is definitely not the same thing and I am so glad self-care is at the forefront.

    Great post! x


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it is and I have realized that as I ‘ve gotten older. Thank you for commenting.


  3. alifeofauthenticity Avatar

    I had a conversation with a co-worker just today about putting myself first. This is such confirmation! I also, completely agree that when you look good you feel good. It’s all a mental thing but it works for me. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome. I’m happy you got your confirmation. Thank you for commenting.


  4. Love your post!🙌🏼 I’ve been trying to have a good vibe these last couple of days and let me say it has helped me so much! I definitely agree we need to take care of ourselves first before we take care of anyone else! Love this❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much. I’m happy it helped you. Thank you for ccommenting


  5. I think it’s incredibly important to look after oneself. You can’t give away what you don’t have and I need to keep my cup full so that I can help fill others

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes yes, thank you for commenting


    2. Yes yes thank you for commenting.


  6. Deserted_Queen Avatar

    Thank you Martha for writing this. It is very necessary.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much. Im so happy it has touched so many of us. Thank you for your comment.


  7. Hi. You make really valid points and I think this would be a great read for many people. I especially like point number 2 anout feeling good to look good. As that is so important and many people constantly feel down and depressed or stressed and eventually their body also feels sick, tired and pained. Thanks for the read!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much. Please share, share, share. Thank you for commenting.


  8. Yes, I need to start putting myself first… difficult…


    1. Yes it is because we feel guilty for doing so. But we shouldnt if we dont take care and love ourselves first we will end up stressed, sick, or even worse. Baby steps try doing at least one thing to love and take care of yourself. Take care and thank you for commenting


  9. Love these five reasons for self-care. It is true that we cannot serve from an empty cup. Not only must be take care of ourselves we must be a model to our children and get grandchildren as well. ❤️ xo, Evelyn, PathofPresence 🦋

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much and thank you for commenting.


  10. thehappilyproductive Avatar

    This is such an important topic! You have to take care of yourself in order to be happy and positive, and other people will benefit from your energy as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you yes it is, and that is it then the people we take care of benefit. Thank you for commenting.


  11. Great post and reminder to me. I’m always thinking too that the choices I make are being watched by my children. They will learn from me. Just as I learn from watching my parents and how they handle what life brings them. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and Thank you for commenting.


  12. Something I see SO many people put aside is their own feelings! Putting everyone’s happiness ahead of your own will never do you good. You have to find a balance! Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes this is so true thank you so much for commenting.


  13. These are such a great reminder to all us of. Self love is important. Thanks for sharing ♥️ ♥️ By any chance you are interested on doing collaborations, you can check out the collaborations portal of Phlanx.com and connect with amazing brands!



  14. Loved ur post!! 👍👍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much and thank you for commenting.


  15. True. Loved this article to bits. True that we women need to take care of ourselves to spread the love even more to the world.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, and yes we do. Thank you for commenting.


  16. Thank you so much for sharing this. It’s a great reminder for all of us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so welcome and thank you for commenting


  17. I love this so much. It has taken me so long to learn to put myself first and say no when I need to. At the end of the day, I feel so much better though, and I have so much more to pour into other people.


    1. Yes thats it. Thank you for commenting


  18. You are 100% right. Our own feelings matter.
    I am having a hard time though trying to express mine…


    1. Sometimes I have the same problem. When I do I whisper a prayer and ask God for help in choosing the right words to say. To tell you the truth it 5works for me. I pray you find the right words to express.Thank you for your comment.


  19. You’re definitely speaking my language here! This is an area we women continue to struggle in.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes we do but we shouldn’t. Thank you for commenting.


  20. momopeach06gmailcom Avatar

    This is such a great reminder and I love how short and on point this is!

    Momo C. | Herpetitecloset.com


    1. Thank you and thank you for commenting


  21. This is a reality check we all need sometimes! Heck, I needed it yesterday when I attempted to take a me day then felt guilty for missing out on the original plans for the day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is something that is needed. We need to not feel guilty about it. Thank you for commenting.


  22. livebythesunshine Avatar

    This is such a great reality check we all need sometimes! I know I needed it yesterday when I was going to take a “Me Day” but ended up feeling so guilty for cancelling plans that I “uncancelled” them


  23. It all makes perfect sense! I love taking care of myself and luckily my boyfriend understands that. I love pampering myself and relaxing. Thanks for sharing! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, always Love And Take Care Of Yourself First.Thank you for commenting.


  24. Informed Inspiration Avatar
    Informed Inspiration

    I especially like number 4. It took me a while to learn this and I am still a work in progress. When we take care of ourselves first, we are able to give even more to those around us. Doing it the other way round, ends up not benefiting anyone.


    1. #4 is my favorite also. Its then we are able to give them more. Thank you for commenting.


    2. You are right about this it want benefit anyone. We can’t be sick, upset, depressed or worse trying to take care of other’s. Thank you for your comment.


  25. Couldn’t agree more…selfcare is an integral part…


    1. Yes it truly is. Thank you for commenting.

      Liked by 1 person

  26. This is so true, but so hard sometimes! Especially as a first time mom, I find all my focus going towards those around me. I finally went to the doctor this week to get checked out, and it seems I have been neglecting myself for too long! I have learned that I can be a better mom and wife if I am in good health.


    1. Thats it and when we take care of ourselves. We have more to offer to the one’s we love.


  27. Love the post because too many a times we forget to stop for a second and give ourselves some good loving!


    1. Thank you, yes but it shouldn’t be that way. Thank you for commenting.


  28. I love this! I think personally, I often forget about #2. With a toddler and infant it’s hard, but not impossible (if I could wake up at a reasonable time lol)


  29. Very important, we must take care of and love ourselves if we want to take care of our loved ones


    1. That’s it, thank you for commenting


  30. This is SO SO SO important. I think you would really enjoy my self care article. Check it out! https://www.operationjordyn.com/2018/03/03/self-care-isnt-just-for-sundays-my-self-care-box/


    1. Yes it is so important. I will check it out and thank you for the comment.


  31. It’s really important for us to put ourselves first as women because if we aren’t taken care of then how will we take care of anyone else? But, mom guilt can be hard to deal with sometime. I’m a work in progress.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have to take care of ourselves so we are able to give more to the ones we love.


    2. Thank you for commenting.


  32. This is such a great reminder to make self-care a priority. You’re so right! Too often we put everyone and everything else first!


  33. I couldn’t agree more with you. As a woman, I feel guilty for taking care of myself first but I know that it is important for my mind, body and spirit. What is your favorite things to do that helps make you feel like your loving and taking care of yourself?


    1. My favorite things to do are making sure my health is straight. But even when I’m not feeling well I’m still taking care of othere’s. I try to look nice at all times that makes me feel good. There are many things I can name. Thank you for commenting.


  34. Self love is sososo important. I try to do this at least once a day in some capacity.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s wonderful we all need too. Thank you forcommenting


  35. Loved your article, simple, yet true and effective.


    1. Thank you so much and Thank you for the comment.


  36. I know this was aimed towards women, but as a man, I can relate to most of what was said in this post. I’m the only boy in my family, and have learned to look at things from both perspectives. Another great post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and Thank you for commenting.


  37. I think that many women get so caught up in taking care of others that they put themselves on the back-burner. I agree, it is so very important to take care of ourselves. I am currently re-learning how to do this. Your post is very timely for me! Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re so welcome. I wrote this post as much for me as I did for all women. I’m getting there myself. Thank you for commenting.


  38. I do agree with you. When we had made sure things in ourselves are set first, it will be firm for us to take care of people beloved surround us..


  39. I love number one especially, I struggle with not judging myself for feeling emotional in any given moment/situation. Such a relevant post x

    Liked by 1 person

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